Lexis Rex Inicio

Pasado de hum

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I hummedyo canturreé
you hummedtú canturreaste
he hummedél canturreó
she hummedella canturreó
we hummednosotros canturreamos
you hummedvosotros canturreasteis
they hummedellos canturrearon
they hummedellas canturrearon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have hummedyo he canturreado
you have hummedtú has canturreado
he has hummedél ha canturreado
she has hummedella ha canturreado
we have hummednosotros hemos canturreado
you have hummedvosotros habéis canturreado
they have hummedellos han canturreado
they have hummedellas han canturreado

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